Strategic objectives

EACH has a management team of five directors and is governed by a Board of Trustees with considerable and varied professional background and expertise. The organisation’s strategic objectives are:


  • Develop and sustain excellent palliative care services to meet the needs of children, young people and families.
  • Inform and contribute to the evidence base underpinning children and young people’s palliative care both nationally and internationally.
  • Seek out, develop and support strategic partnerships and alliances with other service providers, commissioners and funders.


  • Develop, implement and maintain a workforce plan that enables EACH to recruit, motivate and retain a workforce with the skills and competencies to meet organisation needs now and in the future.
  • Develop and maintain assets.
  • Utilise appropriate existing and new technologies to enhance the efficient and effective functioning of the organisation.


  • Through sustained income growth and continued cost control, remain financially stable with an appropriate level of reserves.
  • Raise the remainder of the £10m cost of The Nook.


  • Have effective processes in place which ensure transparency, accountability, responsiveness and compliance with relevant regulation and legislation.
  • Identify and manage major risks to the organisation.